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Dwelling in Brick Walls

"Dwelling in Brick Walls" is a result of my contemplation about the space surrounding me in my everyday life. The word space is generally translated as “공간” [gong gahn] in my first language, Korean. “공간” [gong gahn] is a compound word which consists of “공” [gong] and “간” [gahn]. Each word carries the meaning of void/empty as well as in-between/in relation to. Thus, space in Korean is understood as a void in relation to its boundaries. For me, it was inevitable that I would observe a space with its surrounding architectural structures so that a space in my work is revealed through the comparative relationship between a void and its boundaries. 


Space in my everyday life can be sensed when there is an indexical mark such as a floor, wall, ceiling, door, or window, which is essential to forming a secure space that provides a fundamental haven. Particularly, a floor secures an area; a wall draws a line for a boundary; a ceiling provides security; a door/window facilitates communication from inside to outside. I came to recognize that I was living in a space surrounded by such structures and also sensing the space through them. I developed "Dwelling in Brick Walls" by arranging such structures that I observed in my everyday life.


Walls became the main idea for me to use in creating pictorial spaces. Walls contain many meanings. Inside/outside and here/there come after walls are created in a void space, which provokes our psychological responses. My conceptual approach to space is as a tangible object that can be sensed through its surrounding boundaries. "Dwelling in Brick Walls" includes media from painting to drawing to printmaking, including various perspectives. The arrangement of the walls in each piece is the key to understanding the narrative of the work.

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